after forever...

I'm back ta-dah~!!!
back with more stupid rants

I'm not saying anyone in particular but whatever.
So let's get this started

To be honest, I don't like them
ok I know I'm very emotional but it's for my OTP so I guess there's this difference between being dramatic for shitty things and being dramatic for OTP.

But seriously?
being so dramatic for something as small as an ant is not an excuse.
well if you think I'm talking about you then never mind, you can close this tab and get a life. I don't want to offend anyone.

I'm really getting real tired of your dramatic bullcraps.
getting dramatic just because of THAT which is actually a joke.
That's so shitty go away.
I really need to shut up but then I'm pretty sure no one will read this anyway so I shall continue writing.

You don't know what REAL friends are.
all you think is that REAL friends will always make you do what you want
who will give you SHITTY LOVE ADVICE
guys that will flirt with you then YOU ARE WRONG.

Real friends will tell you the truth, it will make you cry, you will hate them BUT IT'S THE TRUTH. if you can't stand the truth then go find new friends I don't want to talk to you.
real friends will not let you do anything you want, if they know it will hurt you in the end they will tell you to STOP AND SHUT THE FUCK UP LET'S EAT
friends who LISTEN to you is so much better than friends who keeps talking.
some people may not be good at giving advice like me but I can listen, but if you fish for attention, if you want people saying "aww poor you" and hugs you then don't expect anything from me you are an attention cunt. YOU DON'T NEED IT, YOU JUST WANT THEM. I will only listen carefully, it's like you're talking to your favorite toy, you can tell everything.
and seriously? flirty dudes? I HATE FLIRTY PEOPLE WITH BURNING PASSION

like what I said if you don't want the truth then go find NEW FRIENDS. I don't want you.


you seriously know who you are...I'm just kidding, I'm not telling this to anyone but if you got affected by it, then it's your fault, I gave you a warning to close this tab, get a life, and find new friends.

ok that's all, have a nice day.

oh wow I forgot to update

this rant will be real fast and quick.

ok so first rant
My English teacher, ok I'm not supposed to post stuffs about her hear but who cares gawd. She's not a good teacher, all she make us do is copy the shits that she posts and give us a damn quiz. I can't even understand her handwriting for fuck's sake. I'm so done with this bullcrap.

anyway I didn't got any sleep for 4 days because of school shits. wew not like I'm complaining but seriously /I really need to learn how to control my anger/

Why do people need to have a fucking boyfriend/girlfriend just to be famous, in-style, and shits? they need to fix their priorities. STUDY FIRST THEN MONEY. whooooooooooooooooooooot I never made any sense here so I think I need to shut up.

anyway last is about physics, I don't know what to do omg my teacher is just so ugh.

what title should I put here, nothing good happened anyway

We will be going to the town where my dad grew up because my grandfather died. I'm planning to buy some books, sketchpad, and some art materials today at a bookstore to keep myself entertained while I experience 0%  internet connection.
anyway moving on,
I'm seriously falling in love with BBC Sherlock again like I'm actually serious. John is so adorable, it should be illegal for someone to be that adorable.

I'm having a weird art and writer's block right now, last night I have looooooooooooots of ideas and I regret not writing them because I totally can't remember anything including my dream which I think is a good dream.

It's finally September and I'm forever not amused, why is everyone so exited about it? YOU ARE 1 MONTH OLDER THAN YOU ARE LAST MONTH ,is that even good? or do I actually make sense with that? I know I don't make sense, I never made sense because I'm a lamp, booooooo.
But seriously.

I should give you a certificate for reading this stupid entry.